
Monday, May 31, 2021

Days Of The Week~Aso O Le Vaiaso!

 Talofa lava everyone! 

Happy Samoan Language Week! Today I will be teaching you the week days in Samoan. I made this because I love Samoa and I am very proud that I am Samoan. To me Samoan is one of the best tropical islands in the world! Hope you enjoy this blog post and please feel free to comment! Fa :D

Thursday, May 27, 2021

How To Make Hot Chocolate Procedure!

 Talofa everyone,

Today I will be giving you some facts about how to make a hot chocolate procedure! In room 9 we have been learning and making procedures. A procedure is when you write something down step by step but it has to be more specific! I made this slideshow about it. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

FiaFia 2021!

 Talofa everyone!

Today I will be showing you some pictures at the FiaFia. I will be sharing some facts too! The FiaFia WAs the most exciting thing! I have really enjoyed myself at the FiaFia! Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Byee

Plastic Bottles and Cans!

Hello bloggers.

Today I will be sharing you some facts about plastic bottels and cans in the ocean. I have made this Google drawing about it! This is my amazing statement hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Byeeee!

Sign Language

Hello everyone!

Today I will be showing you how to say thank you and please in sign language. This week is Sign Language week! Whea Miki showed room 9 how to do it. It's very easy. Here is this video of me doing it! Please feel free to comment. Hope you enjoy and Happy Sign Laugage Week! Byeee!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Soft Drinks/Water

 Hello everyone!

Today I will be sharing you some facts about soft drinks and water. I have made this Google Drawing about it. One of my favourite soft drinks are Coke, Sprite and Bunderburg. Bunderburg is a Australian drink and it has different types of colors and flavours. The flavours are mostly different types of fruit! Please feel free to comment. Hope you guys enjoy this blog post and stay tunned for more learning coming your way! 

Bubble Tea/Boba Tea

 Ni Hao everyone!

Today I will be showing you bubble tea! I have made this Google Drawing about it. I really love bubble tea! Hope you enjoy and comment down below if you tried bubble tea or not! Bye everyone!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Harold Life Education

Hello readers!

Today I will be sharing you some infomation about the Life Education Learning. Room 9 had been visiting Harold Life Education for two days.

 We have been learning about our body and brains. We watched this video about a boy named Alex. His mum woke him up but he couldn't be bothered getting up. In the cartoon version his brain was trying to wake up and his other parts of the body tried to wake up too. Alex had a Math Test. He was really nervous! His mum cooked his breakfast and the mum realizes that he was late. His mum gave Alex his Soccer uniform and she gave him his lunchbox. The mum told him that the bus will leave by the time he is finished his breakfast. Alex was shocked! He quickly drank some water and took one toast. Alex ran out the door but he left his lunch box. His brain wasn't working that much. The mum told Alex that he left his lunch box. His mum ran to him and gave the lunchox. By the time Alex got there the bus was already driving to school. Alex ran as fast as he could to catch up to the bus but he missed it. Alex dropped his toast. The kids who were sitting at the back of the bus was laughing at Alex at the window. And that was the end of the video. In the truck it had lights that could change into different colors. There were blue, red, purple, pink and green. We were have a party and a disco. We all had to go on our kness and dance.  Only the people who was being sensible get to chosse the color of the lights. Sadiyah, Emily and Jherean was the people who get to chosse the color os the lights. We were doing yoga and the best one who could the the yoga moves is officaly the best child! The girl who was running the Life Education would always change the lights and put it in red because she wants us to stop talking and face her. We spent there for one hour! There were animated pictures of kids and they were feeling different types of feelings. We were given some words about feelings. We had to put them underneath the picture and we had to match them up.

That is all for today sorry I have no pictures!

Please feel free to comment!

My Cute Little Niece

 Talofa everyone!

Today I will be sharing you some facts about my little cheeky niece. Hope you enjoyed this blog post and please feel free to comment! Byeee!

10 Amazing facts about me!

Hi everyone!

Today I will be sharing you some few facts about me! I posted a slideshow about myself in the past. But I really wanna share you this! Hope you have a amazing day and stay tunned for more learning coming your way.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Krystallynna and Marleigh's Procedures!

Aloha everyone!

Today I will be sharing you me and Marleigh's Procedure of Tie Dye. A procedure is something you do step by step. Me and Marleigh wrote down how to do a Tie Dye. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Byeee!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Drinks that I do and don't want to try!

Aloha everyone!

Today I will be showing you my google drawing about drinks. These are the drink that I do and don't want to try. Hope you enjoy and stay tunned for more learning coming your way! Bye!