
Friday, June 21, 2019

Fish Model

This is my model of a flying fish.I've been working on it everyday in topic time in my class.And i'm going to tell you some interesting facts about a flying fish.

1. There are 40 different species of flying fish that can be found in all oceans of the world.
2.They prefer tropical and subtropical water of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean.
3.Flying fish is a type of fish that can glide through the air.


  1. Hello Krystallynna. You have included some cool facts about flying fish. I thought they flew in the air but you have mentioned that they glide. I didn't know that. Did you enjoy making this model?

  2. Hello krystallynna just looking at your blog.You did a good job i love all your facts my favourite fact is the first one.

  3. Talofa Krystallynna!, i love your flying fish! You did an amazing model! And i love all the fact that you heard!

  4. Hello Mrs Cassidy.How is your lovely day going? And I just found out that flying fishes don't fly they Actually glide.And yes O did enjoy making my model.

  5. Thank you Santannah for commenting on my blog.
    And thank you for the wonderful words you just said.
    Bye Santannah and have a nice day!!
