
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Krystallynna & Jailah, Marleigh Dance Algorirthm

Hello readers. In topic we have been creating our own dance. We had to get in groups of three. My buddys are Jailah & Marleigh. There were three jobs to do. The programmer has to write down the instuctions. The tester is the person who is checking the instructions work. The bot is the person who has to test out our dance and following the insturctions. I was the programmer. Jailah was the tester. Marleigh was the bot. We also learnt a word called Algorithm. Algorithm means a list of steps that can follow to finish a task. We also learnt another word called Debugging. Debugging means troubleshooting problems by testing and updating a soultion until it completes its desired funcition. 

Vocabulary Term 3

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another blog post. In reading we have been doing our Vocaburlary work. Mrs Mclachlan put up some words for us on our room 11 site. We had to find out what is the meaning of each word. We used Google, Online Dictionary. Here is what I wrote down for each meaning of the word. Enjoy! Please comment about what you think about my work!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Activty 11

Hi everyone! I am back for another activty. This activty is about Math. So basaiclay I had to make four math questions about what we see in Winter. Sorry everyone I couldn't make these questions harder. Well enjoy everyone!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Actitvty 10

Talofa lava everyone! How is your day going? This blog post is about a snowman. So I had to write down some instructions about how to make a snowman. Have you guys made a snowman before? I haven't. Here is what I wrote. Please comment down below about what you think about my blog post. Bye! 😄😃

Actitvty 9

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another blog post! Today's Activty is about sport. So we had to write down all the letters from the alphabet and beside it we had to write the sport that starts with the same letter. Here is what I wrote down so far. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! Please comment about what you think about my blog post! Bye and stay tunned for more blog posts!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Activty 5

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another actitvty. Todays activty is about seasons. So I had to interview people in my household and ask them what's there favoruite season and why. Well instead of writing a boring story about what happend what don't I show you by making an anamation of about what happend! Hope you guys enjoy! Take care 😀😀😀

Monday, July 13, 2020

Actitvy 2

Hi everyone! Today I will be showing you my actitvy 2. We had to dress up in clothes that you need to wear during winter. This is what I would wear.

Activty 1

Hello everyone! Today I will be showing you my actitvty 1! So basically my lovely teacher Miss Mclahclan told us to name 10 activities that you can do during winter. So I have named 10 things that you can do during winter! Hope you enjoy and stay tunned for more blog posts.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Club House!

Hi everyone! Today I will be showing you Me and Myla's club house. This was for our topic work. We drawed what the club house will look like. And here it is. I hope you guys enjoy this blog post and have a great holiday bye!  😃

Wasps and Bees

Talofa lava everyone! In reading we have been make bees and wasps out of Plasticine. We looked up some bees first to copy the shape of the body. The colors we used were black, white, yellow. It was a bit hard to make because the Plasticine was hard and we had to smooth it out to make the bee easier. Here is the link to the reading page link. Reading Page Link. We had to work with buddys for our reading. My amazing buddys were Jailah, Emily. They were the best buddys ever. We weren't allowed to mix the colors together because it will make a different color. We tried not mixing it together. Jailah and Emily and myself were proud for each other because we put our hard work into it and tried to make it look exaclty like the bee in the picture. I hope you guys like this blog post and please comment down below about what you think of my blog. Looking forward to seeing your comments everyone bye!