
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Krystallynna & Jailah, Marleigh Dance Algorirthm

Hello readers. In topic we have been creating our own dance. We had to get in groups of three. My buddys are Jailah & Marleigh. There were three jobs to do. The programmer has to write down the instuctions. The tester is the person who is checking the instructions work. The bot is the person who has to test out our dance and following the insturctions. I was the programmer. Jailah was the tester. Marleigh was the bot. We also learnt a word called Algorithm. Algorithm means a list of steps that can follow to finish a task. We also learnt another word called Debugging. Debugging means troubleshooting problems by testing and updating a soultion until it completes its desired funcition. 


  1. Hi Krystallynna. Your algorithm looks fantastic! You guys make a great team! Keep on the good work guys 😊👍

    1. Hello there. Thank you for commenting on my blog! Yes we do make a GREAT team. Tofa.

  2. wow this is very cool. :)
