
Friday, February 19, 2021

All About me!

Hello bloggers, Today I will be sharing you some facts about me! Hope you enjoy!

Talofa everyone my name is Krystallynna. My age is 10. My culture is Kiwi Samoan. I was born in Christchurch! My BEST friend is Marleigh. My other friends are Mary, Casper, Makayla and Rableen. I go to Hornby Primary School. My favourite subject is Writing and Topic! My favourite food is french toast. My favourite game is Among us! People who are in my household is my Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister! I enjoy playing with my friends and my cousins! When I grow up I want to be a doctor or be famous! 

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Krystallynna.
    Thank you for sharing information about your self.It's great to hear that you have so many friends.I have heard a lot of people talk about the game,Among Us but have never played it.

    I LOVE french toast...Sam and I had it for breakfast the other day.I had maple syrup on it.
    What toppings do you put on yours?.

    Have a great week.
