
Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Xin Chao readers,

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. In topic we have been learning about how to reconnect with someone. Such as family members, friends or neighbours. I think its important to reconnect with someone because relationships are important for our wellbeing. I made this google drawing on how to reconnect with you someone you haven't talked to in ages. Here is my work and please leave a comment! Take time to korero!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

What Do You Know About Water Safety??

 Xin Chao everyone,

In reading W.A.L.T… use prior knowledge and knowledge gained from texts to learn about water safety. We have been learning about water safety. We had to create a poster about water safety. What I learnt about water safety was that you have to always look out for signs and never wear clothing because clothing can sometimes pull you down. I think what I did well was my poster because we had to draw what you had to bring when going swimming and sometimes I find it hard to draw certain things. One thing I could improve on is making my writing bigger and clear.

Here is my poster hope you like it and please feel free to leave a comment! Have a great day byeee!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My Character Writing Task 2021

 Merhaba everybody,

Today I am going to be sharing you my Character Writing. I had to describe my charcater, describe what they are like and whether I wanted to meet them or not. The story I watched was called "The Hula Hoopin Queen". It was on Storyline Online. I really like reading on Storyline Online and Epic. They are both reading sites. Hope you enjoy this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment! Good Bye everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2021

My Favourite Toy!

Kia Ora everyone,

Happy Te Reo Maori Language Week! Hope you guys had a GREAT weekend! I did some Litracy work at home and I found this one and I basicalliy had to describe my favourite toy! Here's mine! Hope you all enjoyed another one of my awesome blog posts and please feel free to leave a comment! Aue!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Creative Writing Ideas!

 Malo e lelei everybody,

Today room 9 has been doing some work that Whaea Miki gave us in lockdown! I choose Creative Writing Ideas. This took me quite a while to do. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment. Stay SAFE! Ka Kite.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tongan Greetings!

 Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be showing you some Tongan greetings! If you are wanting to learn some Tongan Greetings then your at the right place. I found this on the Tongan Language Week Site, Hope you enjoyed another one of my awesome blog posts and please feel free to leave a comment! Tofa!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ridiculous and Funny Ice Cream Flavours!

Aloha everybody,

Today I will be showing you some funny and weird ice cream flavours! I had to make some up! Here are some flavours I made up! Please feel free to leave a comment on my posts and hope you enjoy! Byeee!

Party Plans 2021!

 Hey everybody,

Today I will be sharing you some party plans if I had a party. I got this from my room 9 site on the tab Home Learning! Here is my plans and please feel free to comment and enjoy x!

My Islander Friends!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you this video I made on Clipchamp. Clipchamp is a website where you can make your own videos! And it's free! All you have to do is to sign into your google account. Here is mine and I also enjoy making these kind of posts! Goodbye everyone and stay safe and please feel free to comment! byee!