
Friday, December 31, 2021

Count To Ten In Samoan!

Talofa Lava guys,

Hope you guys are enjoying your holiday! Today I will be showing how to count to ten but in the Samoan language! If you didn't know my culture is actually Samoan and I am really proud to be one! No one taught me how to speak samoan. Throughout the years I just hear my family speak it everyday and for some reason I could understand it! Till this day I still do! Hope you guys enjoy this blog post and hopefully after reading this you could count to ten in samoan! Anyways have a great day and please make sure to leave a comment! Tofa (bye).

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Carla Character Writing Activity!

Xin Chao everybody,

Today I will be sharing you my writing activity that i've completed at home! I basically had to pick a character from any tv show or story and then decribe them! My character is from StorylineOnline. The story is called "Carla's Sandwich". It's about this girl named Carla and everyday at school she brings weird sandwiches combined with different snacks. Then some kids at her school make fun of her because she would always bring weird sandwiches! I quite enjoy this stories and I always listen to it all the time! Hope you guys have an amazing day and please make sure to leave a comment because that will really help my blog and with my education! Hope you guys enjoy bye!

Friday, December 3, 2021

~EOTC Week Highlights~

Aloha guys,

For five days we have been doing EOTC week. The first day of EOTC week was last week on Thursday! EOTC stands for Education Outside The Classroom. We did lots of fun activites! Like Stoked Surf Club at Sunmer, Phat8Skat, Adrenalin Forest, Spencer Park, Mega Air, Top Team Competition and Amazing race at town. In my surfing group there was Jailah, Rableen, Taurae, Tayla-Jayne, Casper, Daejhar, Moira, Mele, Nijesh, Myla, Lorna, Santannah, Jherean and Marvin. I cannot remember the rest of the people on my group. Our surfing instuctors were Dom and Hailey. While I was surfing in the water I could smell and taste the salty water.

 My three favourite activites from EOTC week was probably surfing, rollerskating and Top Team Competition. My group in the Top Team competition was myself, Oakley, Alysha, Annalise and Roy. What I found scary was the Adrenalin Forest because I was afraid of heights and also rollerskating, I couldn't let go of my friends Jailah and Marleigh because I was too scared. But eventually I got the hang of it and started to skate by myself! I was really proud of myself for trying knew things and facing my fears. My teacher Whaea Miki was so proud!

 On the last day of EOTC week thanks to Mrs Mclachlan and the other teachers we had Fish'n Chips. I got a delicous hotdog with tomato sauce. I also ate some chips with one of my friends. After we ate we went inside this huge cave that led us to the beach. I could feel the soft sand with my feet! We were playing tag with Marleigh, Rableen, Nijesh, Leo, Lily, Daejhar, Angel, Jailah and Whaea Miki! 

Hope you guys enjoyed another one of my hardworking blog posts and please leave a comment if you can, I will really appericate it! Bye everybody and Merry (early) Christmas!