
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Just Wanna Say Thank You To Marleigh!

Hey Readers,
Today we have been learning about Screencastify. There are lots of things you need to think about before you record a video, like background noise, making sure you know what to say and also making sure your face fits in the frame. Today we were tasked to make someone's day with a shout out! So this is for my friend Maleigh! :)


  1. Hey Krystallynna,
    Nice shout out, you used a clear voice and your face fit in the frame. Did you tell Maleigh that you gave her a shout out?
    - Miss Morgan

  2. Hello Miss Morgan thank you for commenting on my blog. And yes I did tell Marleigh that I was giving her a shout out! Bye Miss Morgan and have a good sleep!!

    1. Awesome work for checking your blog!!! Wow! I am impressed at your speedy reply!

  3. Thank you Miss Morgan.
    Have a amazing day!!

  4. Hello Krystallynna.
    I like that you did a 'shout out' to your friend. Do you know if Marleigh has seen it?.
    I liked that you were happy and that you used a clear voice,that is always important when you want to give a message.

  5. Hello Mrs Cassidy.
    I don't know if Marleigh seen it yet.
    Thank you for that nice comment!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Krystallynna I love that you did a shout out to you friend Marleigh but you could have used a clear voice beacase it was a bit hard to hard to hear and you could add more detail on your video.

  8. Hello Makayla thank you for commenting to my shout out video.
    Okay Makayla I understand what you are telling me right now.
    And I will comment on your shout out video since you commened on my shout out video!

  9. Hello Krystallnna I didn't know you felt that way thanks for the shout out.

  10. Hello Marleigh. Thanks for checking out my shout out video! I just have one question. What do you mean by saying I felt that way?

  11. Hi Krystallynna I like that you told you friend Marleigh that the shoutout is for her. How did you fell when you did the video? Galuega Sili

    1. Hi Divine,
      Thank you Divine for commenting on my shoutout video! I felt shy and nervous. I just have a question what does Galuega Sili mean?
