
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Very First Venngage :)

In Cybersmart Miss Morgan showed us this site called Venngage.
We have just started this poster and my poster is not finished yet. Venngage is a site where you can create a post! And my poster is about making yourself good online. To be good online is to say good things. Do you like what I done so far?


  1. HI my name is Isabella I am from south hornby school I like your cybersmart post and I like your photos in your post and my favorite is the kind one and I like your blurb in your post and the kind one is really like it.

  2. HI my name is Isabella I am from south hornby school I like your cybersmart post and I like your photos in your post and my favorite is the kind one and I like your blurb in your post and the kind one is really like it and It is really nice

  3. Hello Isabella thank you for comenting on my venngage post. And you are my buddy from cybersmart! And also thank you for those kind words you said to me! I will comment on your blog now since you commented on my blog!

  4. Hi Krystallynna,
    I like your nice kind words. I love your background. I like how you said talofa in Samoa.I like the Nike picture.- Angel.

    1. Hello Angel. Thank you so much for commenting on my venngage poster! I just have a question. Have you made a venngage poster? Have a great day Angel!!!

  5. Talofa, Angel. Thank you for commenting on my first venngage poster! And I also like the nike picture too. And also thank you for your kind and sweet words!

  6. Talofa Krystallynna, I love your venngage poster because its colourful. I like how you did the Nike photo. You can make the writing bigger. I have a question for you. Do you like your work? I love your work. Have a amazing day :) 😁

    1. Talofa Ashleigh,
      Thank you for your kind and sweet words! I also like the Nike photo too! Next time I will make the writing bigger for you. Of course I love my work i'm so proud of it. And thank you for saying have a amazing day. I hope you have a amazing day!

  7. Hi Krysatllynna.I like your pictures and your was very good and it had very good comments on your Venngage.And it was very colourful and did you like this website.Bye have a great year.

    1. Hi Jailah thanks for commenting on this blog post. And yes i did enjoy this website. Well thanks for also being a great friend. Bye now!
