
Friday, May 29, 2020

Facts About The Queen!

Talofa lava everyone! Today I am going to tell you facts about the queen. On Monday is the queen's birthday. I did this blog post because I had nothing to do but go on my chromebook. And I was also thinking about the queen so I made this blog post. I hope you guys enjoy this blog post happy Samoan languge week tofa!


  1. Talofa lava Krystallynna.
    What a good idea to blog while there is nothing else to do.maybe next time you could add some photos of the subject you are writing about.
    I know that the Queen likes to horse ride and she likes corgi's.
    Do you know why the Queen has 2 birthdays?.

    1. Hi Miss Cassidy. Thank you for commenting on my blog post. WOW I didn't know that the Queen likes to hourse ride. The Queen's real birthday was on April 21th but I don't know why she has two birthdays. Take care bye!

  2. Wow thank you for sharing your knowledge lynna. Some pictures added to your beautiful work then that would be the cherry on the cake. Well done
