
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Things your supposed to do everyday before school

Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you things to do before going to school. Please comment down below what you do before school. I hope you enjoy this post have a great day and see you all at school!

Make sure to tidy up your bed before you leave your room.

Make sure to brush your teeth proply in the morning,

Make sure to get dressed for school.

Make sure to brush your hair.

Make sure to make your lunch.

Make sure to put on your sokes and shoes before you leave the house.

Make sure to grab your school bag and your hat.

Make sure to go to school right on time!


  1. Hi Krystallynna. Im been commenting on peoples blogs to see what they have been doing what have you been doing in lock down? Im doing some work and chores. Keep safe and have a great week at school.

    1. Hi Moira thanks for commneting. I have been doing homework and going to school. Keep safe too you too!

  2. I was going to say there is one important thing to do Krystallynna, and that is get to school on time.
    But I also think it is important not to show up at school in your pyjama's.Imagine if we all did that!.
    I remember,when I was a child,that we had to get all our school clothes ready for school,the night before.

  3. Don't forget to eat breakfast before school. It gives you energy and improved concentration:)love you
