
Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Talofa lava everyone! Today I will be telling you ways to stop covid-19! Please follow these insturctions if you want covid-19 to stop! Please comment down below what you think about this blog post! Please stay safe byeee 😷😷😷 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Krystallynna and Marleigh Maths Branching Story

Talofa everyone! Today I will be showing you me and Marleigh's Branching Story! This slideshow is about geomertry. Press any answer and it will take you to a slide and it will say if its wrong or right! Please play our game! Enjoy and comment down below what you think of this game! Byeeeee and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Samoan Food That You Have To try!!!!!!!

Talofa everyone! Today I will be showing you some samoan food! Samoan food is one of the best foods I have ever tasted! Comment down below what you think about this blog post! Have a great holiday and see you all next term! Bye guys! 👍😃

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Coke Nutrition Label!!!

 Kia ora my readers! Today I will be telling you the coke nutrition labels! Enjoy and please comment what you think about this work!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

My Student Summit!

 Kia ora everyone! Welcome back to another blog post! Today was a very busy day because we did our student summit! A school summit is like when you make a slideshow with a buddy and share what you have been learning about. We had to go on a google meet with other schools and they have to share something with there buddy! We had to pick which call we should go to. 

My first session was Mihi Maker I think it's a great website to experince the Moari culture. Session secound was about suped up slideshow. What I like about this slideshow is that they put creative stuff on the slideshow.  I would Session thrid was about creative writing. I think this was my second favoruite because writing is my favourite subject and I love people who are creative! Session 4 was about how to use prezi. The thing I liked about using the prezi is when they showed us unbelivble stuff!

Hope you guys enjoy this!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Homework club!

 Hi everyone! Today I will be telling you about homework club! When its your first day in homework club you need a adult to come with you to sign in! Homework club is at Hornby High School! You get to eat some snacks, like chips and chocolate bars! First when you arrive you get to play outside! A teacher will tell you to go inside and do some learning! We do maths, writing, reading! After school me and my cousin goes stirght to Hornby High for homework club! Homework club is on Monday. Tuesday and Thursday! Feel free to come! 

How To Take Care Of Your Chromebook Video!

Kumusta everyone! Welcome back to another blog post. Today I will be showing you my video that I made about how to take care of your Chromebook. My BESTIE Jailah recorded my video. Please comment down below what you think about my video! Enjoy bye!

Click the link

Kia ora! In room 11 we had to decribe what the characters were feeling and what were they doing. We also read a book of Goldilocks and the three bears! We had to get evidence from the book to describe what happend! My group was the Seals. The polar bears and seals went on this amazing website called! You get to upload a picture and put some tags on it! If you tap on the tags you get to place the tag somewhere and describe your characters!