
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Family Fun day!

Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog post! Today I will be telling you what I did on Saturday 31th!  So basically my family came over and we had to dress in our halloween costumes because we were doing a candy hunt (halloween edition) There were so much kids! Me and my cousin Marvin were the only oldest kids who were doing the compition. So my aunty let the little kids go first then me and Marvin did because since me and Marvin are the oldest in the compition and plus it wouldn't be fair for the little kids. There were candies everywhere! I had a bucket that matched my outfit and it had flames on the outside of the bucket. I ran and got as many candies as I can! It was burning hot! I was even sweating in my costume! My bucket was getting really full so I asked my aunty to get a bag for me so I could fit more candies in. Since the day was hot there were chocalate outside as well and it melted because the weather was too hot! I checked all of the places around my house to see if there were more candies. But there wasn't. I looked at my bag and I had tons of candies that can last me for a year or month! After that I changed into my t-shirt and shorts.

Suddenly my aunty brought a waterpark set! We all filled it up with air and added the water. I ran as fast as I can to change into my swimming togs. I came back outside and ran right inside the waterpark set. It was cold but I was used to it since it was burning hot. There was a big slide, small slide, seat! It was so fun! It was one of the best day ever. Well Marvin didn't go inside because he was at the park tranning for football! Momments later I started playing tag with my little neices. Suddenly Marvin came! Me and Marvin played tag and we always make each other laugh! I was a demon for halloween and Marvin was a red ninja! 

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! Byeeee have a great day!


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