
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Flowers of Festival

Hello guys,

Welcome back to another blog post! Today I will be showing you my picture for the Flowers Of Festival! I drew this yesterday! I know this is not the best  but what can I do to improve my picture? Comment down below! Sorry I didn't have much time to draw this picture but I promise that I will improve more next time I know this does not like alike but have a great day bye!


  1. Hi Krystallynna. I like how have the swirled centre of the rose. I think you have missed the petals that make up the rest of the rose around the outside of the centre. Do you think your next draft could include the rest of the petals?

    1. Hello Keri thanks for commenting,
      My next draft will include the rest of the petals and be much better. Have a great day byeee.

  2. Hello Krystallynna,
    When I first started drawing it took me ages to get it looking right.I still feel like I could improve my work.You have made a great start to drawing a beautiful rose.I think once you have finished drawing it,add a bit of shade where the rose is darker in the centre.
    Keep up the work and I look forward to seeing the final picture.

  3. Talofa Krystallynna,
    I really love your drawing its looks exactly like the real flower.
    I like how you've tried your. Best I can tell that you put some improvement in it! Your drawing reminds me of the real picture.Maybe next time do some more shading, Before I go I have a question how long did this take you?
