
Monday, March 22, 2021

Recount Writing of Play!

Last Friday room 9 did a class play about working together!

Today I'll be telling you out class play recount!

The play had farm animals. The play was about all the animals that are planning to save Ruby (the cow) Because Ruby was getting killed by the buchred! My posittion was a cute dog. I had to wear this over-sized top and we also has to decorate our headband. We had to practice out lines because when it's our real assembly play we should already know our lines! 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Writing 2021!!!

 Hello bloggers, 

Today I'll be showing you my robber writing! We had to watch a animated robber video and we had to write about what is happening in the video. Hope you enjoy my work. First I have a question to ask you all! Which part did you enjoy? Bye!

It was a dark and quiet night. I saw two robbers in a car. One of the robbers was short and ( the other was) tall. The short robber had massive lips! It looked like he got stung by a thousand bees! He was also wearing a Turquoise hoodie. The tall robber has(had) a knitted mask on. You can ( could) barely recognize him! The robbers was(were) targeting the dairy. They looked so suspicious. They were about to walk inside until the short robber fell down. The security camera saw the robbers. They were so clumsy! The tall robber pointed the medium sized gun at the cashier! 

I ran to the diary and I was shocked to see the tall robber pointing the gun at the cashier! I shouted “PUT YOUR HANDS UP!” The tall robber was frightened and dropped the gun. I grabbed it and aimed it to the tall robber. He was completely scared! I stoped a placed the gun in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I immediately called 911! Soon after the cops came and shouted “GO ON THE GROUND RIGHT NOW!” The robber went down on the floor.

Cybersmart Google Meet

Ni hao bloggers! 

Today I will be showing you my cybersmart learning. We had to make a copy of a slideshow and fill in some blank spaces. We also had to write reasons for why to keep your mic, and camera on. Here's my work!

 Hope you enjoy! I have a question for you! What did you enjoy about my slideshow.

Have a great day!