
Friday, August 13, 2021

How To Be A Good Friend!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some few facts about how to be a good friend! I have made this awesome slideshow about it. As you can see I added a few more facts at the end for you guys! Who is your best friend or friend? Mine is Marleigh. Here is my slideshow I made. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Bye!

The Rainbow Fish Q&A

 Ni Hao everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Rainbow Fish work. We had to listen to the book and then there were some questions on a site and we had to answer them on a slideshow or google drawing. Here is my work and please feel free to comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my education and my educated blog! Good bye and enjoy!

Animal Grid References!

Talofa everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Animal Griod References. Another word for it is coordinates! There is letters at the bottom and numbers on the side. We have to find the animal and put together the nunbers and the letters together and it shows the coordinates! Here is my work and please feel free to comment!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Colouring Grid References!

 Hello Readers,

Today I will be showing you my Colouring Grid! Recently in Maths we have been learning about directions. On this piece of paper it has the alphepet at the bottom and the numbers on the side. We have to figure it out by looking for the letters and if you find the item then you look for the number then write it down. Here is mine :D Please feel free to leave a comment and that will make my day :)

Monday, August 9, 2021

Word Collage Drama/Music/Dance!

Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Drama/Music/Dance word collage.Recently we have been learning about Drama, Music and Dance in Topic because we are doing a dance or show in Assembly! I made mine in a Google Drawing. Here is my work and please feel free to leave a comment! GoodBye!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Topic Word Callage!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my topic word callage! In topic we have been writing about things related to music. We did a brainstorm on the whiteboard! Here is mine and I did it on a Google Drawing please make sure to leave a comment bye!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Labeling The Compass!

Kia Orana readers,

Today I will be showing you my math work. We had to label this compass. I acutally had some trouble with these labels but my friend Casper helped me! Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment bye!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Games!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some modern and ancient facts about the Olympics! We had to find some infomation about the olympics. We had to make a copy of a Venn Diagram. Here is mine enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment! Bye!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Krystallynna Narrative Organiser

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Narrative Organiser! We had to pick a story to do for our organiser. I picked the school one because it's funny and it's short. Here is my work and please feel free to leave a comment! Aere ra.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Book Review!

 Kia Orana everyone and happy Cook island language week! 

Today I will be showing you my book review. We had a choice to pick any book in the classroom. I picked the book called "Listen Up Pup!" We had to write the characters, plot twists, our opinion and who we recommend it to. Here is my book review. Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my blog and my education! Aere Ra! (Bye)