
Friday, August 13, 2021

How To Be A Good Friend!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some few facts about how to be a good friend! I have made this awesome slideshow about it. As you can see I added a few more facts at the end for you guys! Who is your best friend or friend? Mine is Marleigh. Here is my slideshow I made. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Bye!


  1. WOW Krystallynna.
    You certainly have some great ideas.There are a couple there that I REALLY like.
    My favourite is number 9.As an adult,I find it hard to apologise.I know that I have done something wrong or said something I shouldn't of said and find it hard to say sorry.
    I do feel better within myself when I have done it though.

    Is there anything that you have needed to say sorry for?.

  2. Kia Orana Krystallynna.
    If you have your chrome book at home,check out the Home Learning page.There are lots of cool activities to complete.
    I am going to have a go at some of the Jump Jam activities that the teacher has put on there.I'm hoping the Witch Doctor is there as I like jamming to that song.

    Hope to see you soon.

  3. Hi Krystallynna
    This is an awesome slide presentation. The graphics you have chosen really suit your friendship message. Sometimes we get caught up with how we are feeling and forget about our friends feelings, that's why I especially like you comment about listening to your friends. Even as adults we forget to be an active listener.
    Thanks for sharing your learning and keep blogging

  4. Talofa lava Krystallynna,
    I like this post about how to be a good friend! It's great to see you know how to be one. Do you have any ideas for someone who is wanting to make a friend? I hope you are at home safe. Take care, see you soon. Whaea Miki

  5. Good morning Krystallynna.
    I am just leaving you a message to wish you a happy day.
    Take care and keep safe.

  6. Kia Orana Krystallynna.
    Have a wonderful and safe day.
    Keep warm and take care.

  7. Good morning Krystallynna.
    I am looking forward to hearing about what you have been doing during this extended break from school.
    Have a great week and take care.
