
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Games!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some modern and ancient facts about the Olympics! We had to find some infomation about the olympics. We had to make a copy of a Venn Diagram. Here is mine enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment! Bye!


  1. Kia ORana Krystallynna.
    I am just wondering if you have a couple of your facts in the right spot.Can you have a check and see if you need to move them?.

    If there was one sport that you could compete in,for the Olympics,what would it be and why?.

    I'd pick Hanging out the Washing dash 1500 metres.I think I'd get gold cause I'm pretty quick at hanging out wet clothes.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy,
      Thank you for reminding me! I will change it soon. Honestly I would pick netball but since its not in the Olympic Games I will pick Swimming because I love to swim!
