
Thursday, November 4, 2021

~Persuasion Map~

Aloha everybody,

In writing we have been focusing on persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is when you have statements and you are trying to persuade someone's mind and the other argues with you and they will try persuade you mind.  I made a statement about why students shouldn't wear uniforms. Hopefully some of you guys agree with my statement. It's alright if you disagree but try and persuade my mind! Please leave a comment because that will help with my education and blog! Hope you have a great day, stay safe. Ka Kite!


  1. Hello Krystallynna.
    I wouldn't mind wearing a uniform to school.It would save me a lot of time...It's hard sometimes,trying to work out what to wear.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy,
      I kind of agree with your sometimes its hard to work out what to wear. It's alright if you disagree with me but other than that hope you have a awesome day stay safe!
