
Friday, September 27, 2019

Activty 13

Activty 1

For activty 1 today I have to name 10 healthy foods I have not tried!
Please stay tuned for more activty's!!!

Activty 11

I was trying to eat this all in 1 minute but I didn't eat it all.

Hope you guys enjoyed this bye and stay tuned for more activty's!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My 3D shape

Hey everyone it's me Krystallynna. In maths my class has been learning about shapes. Mr Martyn shared us this document called 3D shapes. There is 6 links. The links are about 3D shapes. Now to show you my work. Comment if you like it!

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Song Story

This is a story that I have been writing about. Our kind and caring teacher Mr Martyn told us to pick a song and writ about. But we are not allowed to copy the video. My song is called Call It A Day By The Haschak sister here is the link to the song!

-A girl named Gracie
Beautiful, Curly hair, brown hair
She went to school
Big, white, amazing
She sat down with tons of homework
More, boring, exhausting 
The teacher said, “ Alright kids you can do your homework tomorrow.
Happy, merry, joyful
describe the picture click on it”. Says the teacher.
Fine, easy, excited
So everyone described the picture.
Pretty, Interesting, creppy
So Gracie was the first one to be done. 
Amazing, impressive, cool
Gracie listened to this k-pop song called As If It’s Your Last.
Catchy, Awesome, Interesting
go to the cafeteria to eat
So Gracie was eating lasagna and rice. 
Delicious, yummy, nice
go on the playground 
Fun, fantastic, epic
She went on the monkey bars. 
Shocking, surprising, amaze  
She tried to skip 1. 
Impressive, fantastic, startle
Gracie went walking home 
Tired, exhausting , hot

One day there was this girl named Gracie. She was a beautiful girl. She had brown lovely hair.  It was curly! She went walking to school on a hot day. When she arrived at her school it was white and big and also awesome! She loved the smell of it. She went in class with tons of homework which was so boring.  
Then her teacher said “ Alright kids you can do your homework tomorrow”! 
Everyone was very pleased! 
Then Miss Jennie said “Okay children time to open your chromebooks then go to your drive and if you see this document called describe the picture click on it and then describe the pictures”. 
So everyone started describing the pictures. Later on Gracie was finished. 
She went to show Miss Jennie and said, “I’m done Miss Jennie”!  Miss Jennie replied, “Awesome work Gracie now you can listen to songs!” 

So Gracie typed in her favorite song As If It’s Your Last. It’s a k-pop song from a k-pop group named Blackpink. 
Then Miss Jennie said, “Alright children the bell is about to ring so put your stuff on the table and go to the cafeteria to eat!” 

So everyone went to the cafeteria to eat. When Gracie arrived to the cafeteria she went to get a tray for her food and she got lasagna and a juice box and rice. It was delicious and so yummy! 

After she ate she went on the playground. The playground was for high schoolers only. She was a high schooler. That playground was a bit high that little kids can’t go on it. Gracie went on the monkey bars. She didn’t know how to do them! So she gave it 3 tries. Then after the 3 tries she did it! She was so shocked and surprised! Then she tried to skip 1 which is pretty easy for all the kids! Suddenly she did it. She was amazed! So she started to do the monkey bars all over again. Later on she became tired. Later on the bell rang for home. 
Gracie went home walking on a hot day! It was 30 degrees! Later on she finally arrived at home. She went inside her bedroom and lay on her bed.
She said “What a day”!

THE END!!!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Music Story Starter

This is a story I wrote after I watched the music video So Good To Me. I chose this video because it was easy to write a story about. I hope you like my story.

A girl was in her house. She ran downstairs. She loved going outside. 

She ran outside to get a rope. When she got the rope she dropped it and walked to a forest 
looking for her pet. She got a stick and dragged it on the ground while she was walking. Then 
she went on a rock to sit down for a while. She went on a swing and started to swing for a 
little bit. She hopped out off the swing and ran inside. 

She went inside to draw a poster because she lost her giraffe. She went outside to knock on 
all the people’s doors. They told her they had not seen it. 

She was trying to look for her giraffe by walking everywhere. After her long walk she sat down. 
She saw a playground and went to play on it. She looked everywhere on the playground side 
to side. 

She turned around and felt something was behind her. It was her giraffe! She was super happy! 
She patted her giraffe. 

After she patted her pet giraffe she and her giraffe played hide and seek. The girl was counting 
and her giraffe was hiding. She was looking for her giraffe and later on she found it! Her giraffe 

was behind the tree hiding. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Musical Insterment

In room 9 we have been using screencastify for a while.
We did a screencastify video and it was about musical insterments.
Have a look what I have done!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Very First Venngage :)

In Cybersmart Miss Morgan showed us this site called Venngage.
We have just started this poster and my poster is not finished yet. Venngage is a site where you can create a post! And my poster is about making yourself good online. To be good online is to say good things. Do you like what I done so far?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Just Wanna Say Thank You To Marleigh!

Hey Readers,
Today we have been learning about Screencastify. There are lots of things you need to think about before you record a video, like background noise, making sure you know what to say and also making sure your face fits in the frame. Today we were tasked to make someone's day with a shout out! So this is for my friend Maleigh! :)

Friday, July 5, 2019


Talofa everyone in room 9 we have been learning about ocean jobs.  My ocean job is to be a lifeguard. Have a look what I wrote!  

Friday, June 21, 2019

Fish Model

This is my model of a flying fish.I've been working on it everyday in topic time in my class.And i'm going to tell you some interesting facts about a flying fish.

1. There are 40 different species of flying fish that can be found in all oceans of the world.
2.They prefer tropical and subtropical water of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean.
3.Flying fish is a type of fish that can glide through the air.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fish Slideshow

Hi everyone,  this term in room 9 we have been learning about fishes from the ocean for topic.Our lovely teacher Mr Martyn has told us all about it.So we made a slideshow about it on our chromebook.So all we had to do was to get an image of a fish and put it in our slide then we had to look for some facts and copy it down on our slideshow.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How to make a great comment!

In room 9 we have been learning about how to make a great comment with Miss Morgan.
This is mine.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Plankton Facts.

In topic we have been learning about planktons!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Sea Mammals.

In room 9 we have been learning about sea mammals for topic.My sea mammal is a Leopard seal.Sea mammals live all over the world in the sea.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Personal and Private Information.

Today in Cybersmart we were learning about private and personal information.Private information is the stuff that you don't share with people.Personal information is stuff that is okay to share with people.

Cooper shared too much private information on his blog.Here is what we found out!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Want to know about me read this?

In cybersmart we have been learning about shortcuts.
The thing I found hard was screenshot. but now I know that it is holding shift,control and the screenshot button.
My favourite part was about me.