
Monday, April 6, 2020

A Glass Of Milk

Once upon a time there lived a young boy who was very poor. He did odd jobs to be able to buy his daily food and go to school. One day, after school the boy was hungry. He said "I don't have money today and i have no job lined up till the night, how will I make it thorught the day maybe I should just have some water to fill my stomach". So the boy decided to ask one of the houses in the neighourhood for a glass of water. He knocked on the door. A young girl opened the door. The young boy said "I am very thristy can you please give me a glass of water"? The girl replied "Yes, wait a minute". The girl saw the boy's condition and understood how hungry he was. Insted of a glass of water she brought him a glass of milk. The boy was surprised to see the milk. He said "I cannot take this I do not have any money to pay you for it". The girl replied "It's okay you don't have to pay for it". The boy replied back "Thank you very much". The boy drank the glass of milk and felt better immediately. He thanked her and walked away. Many years went by. One day the girl who was now a woman very ill. She was taken to the hospital. The tests revealed that she had a rare kind of sickness that would need great care for many months. Doctor Phillp was assigned to her case. He said "Don't worry we will take great care of you". As he promised doctor Phillp took great care of her. He visited her daily. He stayed by her beside at the nights and made sure she was always comfortable. After six mounts of intensive treatment in the hospital the girl was finally well and could go home. But she had a worry. She called the nurse to her room. She said "I am wealthy now but I am worried it is time for me to pay the hospital bill but I am afraid I won't have enough money to do so". The maid replied "Oh, you don't need to worry about it your bill has already been paid". The girl replied "What, by who"? The maid replied "Have a look yourself". The girl was astonished. The bill was cancelled across. And in big bold letters it said "Paid in full years ago with a glass of milk". It was signed by doctor Phillps! The girl couldn't believe her luck! Doctor Phillps was the young boy she had helped many many years ago. Today, he had become her saviour and helper!



  1. Hi Krystallynna. How are you? I am missing seeing your smiley face at school. Well done on all of the blogging you have been doing while you are in isolation. Where did you get this story from? It is a good reminder that kindness is free to give but priceless to receive. This is what we have been talking about in room 11 isn't it? I love this quote: "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" This was by Mark Twain. Do you know who he was? Maybe you could check it out and let me know? I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day :)

    1. Hello Keri,
      Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am feeling good. This story came from this youtube video called kids hut. And yes I think we were talking about it in room 11. Mark Twain is an American Writer. I hope your having a wonderful and safe day! Bye.
