
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What to bring when you are going for a sleepover

Hey everyone, today I will be telling you stuff that you bring for a sleepover. Please comment if you ever been to a sleepover. Hope you enjoy and have a safe week!

1. Clothes


3. Shoes

4. Socks

5. Phone, tablet or chromebook

6. Board games

7. Hair brush


9. Lip blum

10. Towel


  1. Hi Krystallynna.I went for a sleep over when I was little to my friends house.Her name was Faye.We slept in her room and stayed up late.Back then,we didn't have cell phones or chargers.I do remember bringing my favourite soft toy to sleep with.
    I really enjoy reading your blogs and thanks for posting while we are in lock down.
    I look forward to more of your work KEEP IT UP!
    Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hello, Mrs Cassidy. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Even I have been to a sleepover at my cousins house. And also thanks for your lovely words have a safe day now bye!

  2. Hello Krystallynna.The sun is out and it's a beautiful day.I have feed my birds and put their cages outside.Later on I will be taking Salt for a walk in his pram while I roller blade.We go in Waterloo Park as there are lots of roads that we can go on.
    What are you going to be doing today?.I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy, I am sure your going to have so much fun. Today I am just going to go outside and exersize with my mum. I hope you have a safe day in lockdown bye!
