
Friday, October 29, 2021

~Canterbury Swim School~

Talofa lava readers,

This week is our last week of swimming at Canterbury. I am enjoying swimming so much! What I like about swimming is when we go to the deep end and jump off. I liked learning the dolphin dive. I just found it very fun. I acheived my goal of breathing probably in the water while doing bubble and breath. My swimming instuctor was Te Ane. I find her very nice. The person I mostly hang out in my swimming group is my friend Sadiyah. Hope you guys enjoyed another one of my blog posts and hope you have a great day! Bye!


  1. Talofa lava Krystallynna, I am also enjoying swimming very much I also find going to the deep and jumping off very fun as well as the dolphin dive. Good post see you later.

    1. Hello Tanish,
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I'm glad you find that fun. Hopefully I get to see you at school! Byeee

  2. Tālofa Krystallynna,
    Mālō le fa’asoa - thanks for sharing!
    It’s great that you enjoyed your swimming experience so much! It will be great to see you practicing your skills in the school pool.

    1. Tālofa Whaea Miki,
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I'm so glad that your learning more Samoan. Yes your right I enjoyed siwmming in the pool and had so much experience! Hope you have a great wekk byeee

  3. Talofa Krystallynna,
    I liked jumping of the deep end too but I found it a bit hard to do bubble bubble breath. I liked hanging out with you too because you were really funny. Anyways I like how you explained your blog really clearly. Ciao!

  4. Talofa lava Sadiyah,
    Thank you so much for leaving a awesome comment on my blog.
    I'm glad that you liked jumping on the deep end. But yes I do agree with you the bubble bubble breath was quite hard. I'm happy that you like hanging out with me too! Maybe we should do it again sometime. Anyways thanks for commenting again (as always). Hope you have a great day and stay safe!

