
Friday, October 1, 2021

Krystallynna & Marleigh's First Playdate Narrative Writing!

Kia Orana everyone,

This term we have been learning to write narrative stories. The purpose of a narrative is to entertain and catch the readers attention. First we had to plan something for our story on a planner. Then we had to make a new document and write our story. One of my favourite sentences was I wrote "I hugged Marleigh tightly like she was a stuffed animal." We had to include smiles, personifications, full stops, descriptive words, 5 senses and a problem. I think one thing I should improve of is to add more descriptive words! Hope you enjoyed this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment! Aere Ra


  1. WOW Krystallynna=I don't hink I have ever read a story that has included so MUCH information and detail.Your words gave me a picture in my head and I felt like I could almost smell the aromas from Starbucks and the smell of the perfume.
    You followed the instructions to a tee.Well done.

    1. Ni Hao Mrs Cassidy,
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I'm very gald that you liked something from my story. Hope you have a great day! Bye.

  2. Have a great week Krystallynna,it's the last one for these holidays.Keep warm.

    1. Thank you Mrs Cassidy for saying those kind words! Keep safe!
