
Monday, July 19, 2021

Facts About China!

 Ni Hao everyone,

Today I will be telling you some intersting facts about China. China is currently one of my favourite countries! I actrally really enjoy Chinese food (especially noodles) Chinese is part of my culture and I am very grateful. Anyways I made this google drawing about it! Here is a question for you: What is your full culture? Please feel free to leave a comment because that will really help with my education and my educated blog. Hope you enjoyed another one of my hard working blog posts! Good Bye everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Krystallynna.
    I am a New Zealander.My great grandfather is Maori.My great grandmother is pakeha.My mum and father are both pakeha.

    I was just looking at your last fact.I know that each month,in the Chinese calendar,each month is an animal.
    I wonder what I am.I was born in August.Do you know what animal that makes me?.
