
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Room 9 2021

Aloha guys,

Today I will be showing you a picture of my awesome classroom, room 9. We currently have 24 smart and kind students in our classroom. We are also knows as the Piwakawaka classroom. A Piwakawaka is a fantail bird that has a tail looking like a fan. No wonder it's called a fantail! I will also give you the names of the students in my classroom. We are year 6's. Please feel free to comment on one of my blog posts because that will really help my blog and my education! Bye everyone!


  1. Lovely blog lynna🥰 I love your confident and kind towards other students. Beautiful picture too😊 Love always Aunty

    1. Hi Aunty Arva. Thank you so mcuh for commenting. I haven't heard from you for a while. I love you too hopefully I could see you one day! Bye and send all my love to Ben, Nikaious, Robert!

  2. Good evening Krystallynna.
    You have used some kinds words for your class buddies.I hope they get to read this post.
    I wonder which class at school has the most girls in it.Wouldn't that be an interesting fact to find out.

    I like the photo.All the kids and the teacher,look happy.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

    1. Kia Orana Mrs Cassidy,
      Thank you so much for commenting. Actrally I also wonder which class has the most girls. Thank you for checking out my blog posts I really appericate it! Bye
