
Friday, July 9, 2021

Krystallynna Te Ngahere Slideshow!

Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be sharing my Te Ngahere slideshow with you guys. In topic we have been learning about Te Ngahere/ Forest. Sometimes in the afternoons we would do differnt types of activtes based on te ngahere. Hope you enjoyed this slideshow and please feel free to comment! Bye

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Krystallynna about not shooting birds.
    I know that there are some birds that aren't native and probably over populate the forests.It's just a shame that we don't have more places for our birds and animals that need protection.

    I feed a family of magpies in our garden as well as some sparrows,starlings, finch and wax eyes.

    Do you have a space at your place that birds can visit and eat?.
