
Monday, July 26, 2021

My Holidays!

Ni Hao everyone,
Today I will be telling you what I did in the holidays. The holidays was going for two whole weeks! Our awesome teacher Whea Miki told us to write what we did on the holidays. I did so much awesome things in the holidays. Here is what I did in the holidays. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment byee!

The weekend after school me and Marleigh had a fun and awesome playdate! Since Marleigh and I have been besties for four years we decided to have a playdate together. First our mums got each others numbers and started texting each other about the playdate. Marleigh and I were go excited because we really wanted to see each other! On Saturday morning I woke up at 8:00 AM excited for them to pick me up. They were coming at 12:30 PM. I got all dressed up in a pumba outfit and my lovely mum gave me and Marleigh 30$ to go shopping togther. I got all ready and couldn't wait for Marleigh to come pick me up. A few minutes went by and Marleigh finally arrived. We gave each other a hug and went walked to the car. Marleigh's mum Alanah told me that we were going shopping then eat dinner then go to her house. I was over the moon! Once we drove to the hub we went shopping for some clothes, food, friendship necklaces, ice-cream and candy! Marleigh's sisters Sienna and Maddie came with us shopping. We were still in the mall for a while and decided to go to Mc Donalds. But before we went we brought some chocolate iced milkshakes from Starbucks. Marleigh and I ran to the car wajiting for Alanah, Sienna and Maddie. When they came Alanah said to me and Marleigh that we could go inside and order some food for ourselves. So she gave us the money and we ran inside Mc Donalds. We ordered two chesseburgers and fries. Marleigh and I accidently forgot to order the drink but luckliy Sienna shared her drink with us! We drove to Marleigh's house and hanged out there for a bit. I asked Marleigh to give me a tour around her house and she agreed! So she took me on a house tour and it was a two story house! We both went upstairs and supringly there was a mini lounge! It had a medium sized couch and a medium sized tv. There was also a tent set up on the corner with pillows and stuffed animals inside. In one of the rooms there was a gym! There was a tradmill, Barbell and a pull up bar. She didn't show me the other rooms because Alanah called us downstairs to eat. We ate pizza hut (cheese pizza) After we ate we watched tv with Maddie and Sienna. At 7:20 PM Alanah said that I had to go home because Alanah and my mum agreed that I will come at 7 PM. So Alanah drove to my house with Marleigh and we all said good bye. 


  1. WOW Krystallynna,you have certainly had one well packed day.
    There was so much to days seemed pretty boring.
    All I did was some gardening and Samantha and I went to Time Zone to play 10 pin bowling.
    We did go to So-Yo but that wasn't very nice.

    Do you and Marleigh live far from each other?.

    1. Hello Mrs Cassidy,
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog post. Marleigh and I live kind of far away from each other because she lives in Rolleston and I live in Hornby. You're pretty lucky because I begged my uncle if we could go to Time Zona but he said no. Anyways hope you had a great day bye!

  2. Hello Krystallynna.
    Welcome to term 3.I am looking forward to seeing your learning.I hope you blog soon.
