
Friday, December 31, 2021

Count To Ten In Samoan!

Talofa Lava guys,

Hope you guys are enjoying your holiday! Today I will be showing how to count to ten but in the Samoan language! If you didn't know my culture is actually Samoan and I am really proud to be one! No one taught me how to speak samoan. Throughout the years I just hear my family speak it everyday and for some reason I could understand it! Till this day I still do! Hope you guys enjoy this blog post and hopefully after reading this you could count to ten in samoan! Anyways have a great day and please make sure to leave a comment! Tofa (bye).

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Carla Character Writing Activity!

Xin Chao everybody,

Today I will be sharing you my writing activity that i've completed at home! I basically had to pick a character from any tv show or story and then decribe them! My character is from StorylineOnline. The story is called "Carla's Sandwich". It's about this girl named Carla and everyday at school she brings weird sandwiches combined with different snacks. Then some kids at her school make fun of her because she would always bring weird sandwiches! I quite enjoy this stories and I always listen to it all the time! Hope you guys have an amazing day and please make sure to leave a comment because that will really help my blog and with my education! Hope you guys enjoy bye!

Friday, December 3, 2021

~EOTC Week Highlights~

Aloha guys,

For five days we have been doing EOTC week. The first day of EOTC week was last week on Thursday! EOTC stands for Education Outside The Classroom. We did lots of fun activites! Like Stoked Surf Club at Sunmer, Phat8Skat, Adrenalin Forest, Spencer Park, Mega Air, Top Team Competition and Amazing race at town. In my surfing group there was Jailah, Rableen, Taurae, Tayla-Jayne, Casper, Daejhar, Moira, Mele, Nijesh, Myla, Lorna, Santannah, Jherean and Marvin. I cannot remember the rest of the people on my group. Our surfing instuctors were Dom and Hailey. While I was surfing in the water I could smell and taste the salty water.

 My three favourite activites from EOTC week was probably surfing, rollerskating and Top Team Competition. My group in the Top Team competition was myself, Oakley, Alysha, Annalise and Roy. What I found scary was the Adrenalin Forest because I was afraid of heights and also rollerskating, I couldn't let go of my friends Jailah and Marleigh because I was too scared. But eventually I got the hang of it and started to skate by myself! I was really proud of myself for trying knew things and facing my fears. My teacher Whaea Miki was so proud!

 On the last day of EOTC week thanks to Mrs Mclachlan and the other teachers we had Fish'n Chips. I got a delicous hotdog with tomato sauce. I also ate some chips with one of my friends. After we ate we went inside this huge cave that led us to the beach. I could feel the soft sand with my feet! We were playing tag with Marleigh, Rableen, Nijesh, Leo, Lily, Daejhar, Angel, Jailah and Whaea Miki! 

Hope you guys enjoyed another one of my hardworking blog posts and please leave a comment if you can, I will really appericate it! Bye everybody and Merry (early) Christmas! 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kiwi Kids Article

 Kia Orana everyone,

In reading we have been focusing on articles. First we had to find an article in kiwi kids news then make a document with the questions left below the article. They are call recall questions and thinking questions. We also had to link the article. This article is about "Russia making vaccines for animals". My reading group is Slytherin. In my group there is Tyrone, Taurae, Rableen, Nijesh and I. Hope you have a great day and please make to to leave a comment bye! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Persusasive Jamboard Writing

Xin Chao readers,

In writing we have been going on jamboard. We first had to choose a statement and do the examples and reasons. This took me about three or to days to do. Everyone in room 9 had to make a slideshow on the jamboard. The yellow square is where my statement goes. The blue section is where all my reasons go. The pink section is also where the reasons go. Last but not least the green section is where the examples go. Hope you guys enjoy please leave a comment!

~Krystallynna The Arts~

Merhaba everybody,

Today I will be sharing you my arts slides. This slideshow includes music and dance. The 5 elements of dance are BASTE. BASTE stands for Body, Action, Space, Time and Energy. First we had to make a word collage, telling you what music notes are, telling the elements of dance and last but not least doing the meaning of BASTE. Hope you guys enjoyed another one of my blog posts. Please leave a comment! Bye. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

All About Sleep Poster

 Kia Orana everyone,

In our reading group we have been learning about sleep. We had to read four different types of articles and then make a poster about sleep. We had to put all the infomation we know about sleep onto our posters. This took me about two days to create. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment on my blog posts! Have a great day and be kind. Aere Ra!

~Persuasion Map~

Aloha everybody,

In writing we have been focusing on persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is when you have statements and you are trying to persuade someone's mind and the other argues with you and they will try persuade you mind.  I made a statement about why students shouldn't wear uniforms. Hopefully some of you guys agree with my statement. It's alright if you disagree but try and persuade my mind! Please leave a comment because that will help with my education and blog! Hope you have a great day, stay safe. Ka Kite!

Friday, October 29, 2021

For/Aganist Statements 2

 Kia Orana Readers,

Today I will be sharing you my three statements that I choose. Our teacher Whaea Miki shared us a slideshow of statements and we had to choose three. I choose these three! It's alright if you dissagree with some of my statements but please make sure to comment on my blog posts because that will make my day and hopefully it will make you day as well! Here is my work!

~Canterbury Swim School~

Talofa lava readers,

This week is our last week of swimming at Canterbury. I am enjoying swimming so much! What I like about swimming is when we go to the deep end and jump off. I liked learning the dolphin dive. I just found it very fun. I acheived my goal of breathing probably in the water while doing bubble and breath. My swimming instuctor was Te Ane. I find her very nice. The person I mostly hang out in my swimming group is my friend Sadiyah. Hope you guys enjoyed another one of my blog posts and hope you have a great day! Bye!

Friday, October 22, 2021

For/Against Statement Writing

Malo e lelei and Xin Chao everybody,

In writing we have been focusing on persuasive writing. First we had to make a copy of a document. We had to think of some statements and some people disagreed and some agreed. We had to write what our statement was and then write the reason. Then we had to look up evidence then we had to copy and paste the sentence and the link. I really enjoyed this activity! Hope you are having a great day and make sure to leave a comment! Bye.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

~Kiwi Kids Article~

Malo e lelei everyone,

In reading time we have been going on Kiwi Kids News. We had to choose an article from the website. I choose the article called "Plastic Straws SUCK!" I had to read the whole article and there were some questions at the bottom asking what happend in the story. There were recall questions and thinking questions. We had to answer the recall questions first then the thinking questions. I made a document about the article and what happened. Hope you enjoy another one of my hardworking blog posts and have a great day! Bye.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Canterbury Swim School ~ Day#1

Aloha readers,

This term for two whole weeks Hornby Primary School will be going to Canterbury Swim School to learn how to swim. In my group there was Santannah, Jherean, Leo, Alex, Ryan and Myla. Our swim instructor was a girl and she was really nice to everyone. But unfortunately I forgot her name! Today we had to do some back kick's with the board we also had to do armstrokes. I liked it when we went near the deep pool. My goal is to try breath probably when doing arm strokes! Hope you enjoyed this blog post and feel free to leave a comment! Bye!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Krystallynna & Marleigh's First Playdate Narrative Writing!

Kia Orana everyone,

This term we have been learning to write narrative stories. The purpose of a narrative is to entertain and catch the readers attention. First we had to plan something for our story on a planner. Then we had to make a new document and write our story. One of my favourite sentences was I wrote "I hugged Marleigh tightly like she was a stuffed animal." We had to include smiles, personifications, full stops, descriptive words, 5 senses and a problem. I think one thing I should improve of is to add more descriptive words! Hope you enjoyed this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment! Aere Ra

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Xin Chao readers,

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. In topic we have been learning about how to reconnect with someone. Such as family members, friends or neighbours. I think its important to reconnect with someone because relationships are important for our wellbeing. I made this google drawing on how to reconnect with you someone you haven't talked to in ages. Here is my work and please leave a comment! Take time to korero!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

What Do You Know About Water Safety??

 Xin Chao everyone,

In reading W.A.L.T… use prior knowledge and knowledge gained from texts to learn about water safety. We have been learning about water safety. We had to create a poster about water safety. What I learnt about water safety was that you have to always look out for signs and never wear clothing because clothing can sometimes pull you down. I think what I did well was my poster because we had to draw what you had to bring when going swimming and sometimes I find it hard to draw certain things. One thing I could improve on is making my writing bigger and clear.

Here is my poster hope you like it and please feel free to leave a comment! Have a great day byeee!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My Character Writing Task 2021

 Merhaba everybody,

Today I am going to be sharing you my Character Writing. I had to describe my charcater, describe what they are like and whether I wanted to meet them or not. The story I watched was called "The Hula Hoopin Queen". It was on Storyline Online. I really like reading on Storyline Online and Epic. They are both reading sites. Hope you enjoy this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment! Good Bye everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2021

My Favourite Toy!

Kia Ora everyone,

Happy Te Reo Maori Language Week! Hope you guys had a GREAT weekend! I did some Litracy work at home and I found this one and I basicalliy had to describe my favourite toy! Here's mine! Hope you all enjoyed another one of my awesome blog posts and please feel free to leave a comment! Aue!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Creative Writing Ideas!

 Malo e lelei everybody,

Today room 9 has been doing some work that Whaea Miki gave us in lockdown! I choose Creative Writing Ideas. This took me quite a while to do. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment. Stay SAFE! Ka Kite.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tongan Greetings!

 Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be showing you some Tongan greetings! If you are wanting to learn some Tongan Greetings then your at the right place. I found this on the Tongan Language Week Site, Hope you enjoyed another one of my awesome blog posts and please feel free to leave a comment! Tofa!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ridiculous and Funny Ice Cream Flavours!

Aloha everybody,

Today I will be showing you some funny and weird ice cream flavours! I had to make some up! Here are some flavours I made up! Please feel free to leave a comment on my posts and hope you enjoy! Byeee!

Party Plans 2021!

 Hey everybody,

Today I will be sharing you some party plans if I had a party. I got this from my room 9 site on the tab Home Learning! Here is my plans and please feel free to comment and enjoy x!

My Islander Friends!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you this video I made on Clipchamp. Clipchamp is a website where you can make your own videos! And it's free! All you have to do is to sign into your google account. Here is mine and I also enjoy making these kind of posts! Goodbye everyone and stay safe and please feel free to comment! byee!

Friday, August 13, 2021

How To Be A Good Friend!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some few facts about how to be a good friend! I have made this awesome slideshow about it. As you can see I added a few more facts at the end for you guys! Who is your best friend or friend? Mine is Marleigh. Here is my slideshow I made. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! Bye!

The Rainbow Fish Q&A

 Ni Hao everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Rainbow Fish work. We had to listen to the book and then there were some questions on a site and we had to answer them on a slideshow or google drawing. Here is my work and please feel free to comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my education and my educated blog! Good bye and enjoy!

Animal Grid References!

Talofa everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Animal Griod References. Another word for it is coordinates! There is letters at the bottom and numbers on the side. We have to find the animal and put together the nunbers and the letters together and it shows the coordinates! Here is my work and please feel free to comment!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Colouring Grid References!

 Hello Readers,

Today I will be showing you my Colouring Grid! Recently in Maths we have been learning about directions. On this piece of paper it has the alphepet at the bottom and the numbers on the side. We have to figure it out by looking for the letters and if you find the item then you look for the number then write it down. Here is mine :D Please feel free to leave a comment and that will make my day :)

Monday, August 9, 2021

Word Collage Drama/Music/Dance!

Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Drama/Music/Dance word collage.Recently we have been learning about Drama, Music and Dance in Topic because we are doing a dance or show in Assembly! I made mine in a Google Drawing. Here is my work and please feel free to leave a comment! GoodBye!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Topic Word Callage!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my topic word callage! In topic we have been writing about things related to music. We did a brainstorm on the whiteboard! Here is mine and I did it on a Google Drawing please make sure to leave a comment bye!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Labeling The Compass!

Kia Orana readers,

Today I will be showing you my math work. We had to label this compass. I acutally had some trouble with these labels but my friend Casper helped me! Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment bye!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Olympic Games!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be sharing you some modern and ancient facts about the Olympics! We had to find some infomation about the olympics. We had to make a copy of a Venn Diagram. Here is mine enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment! Bye!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Krystallynna Narrative Organiser

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my Narrative Organiser! We had to pick a story to do for our organiser. I picked the school one because it's funny and it's short. Here is my work and please feel free to leave a comment! Aere ra.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Book Review!

 Kia Orana everyone and happy Cook island language week! 

Today I will be showing you my book review. We had a choice to pick any book in the classroom. I picked the book called "Listen Up Pup!" We had to write the characters, plot twists, our opinion and who we recommend it to. Here is my book review. Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my blog and my education! Aere Ra! (Bye)

Friday, July 30, 2021

My Fidget!

 Aloha readers,

Today I will be showing you my fun and colorful fidget. I think it's called The Unique Flower Dimple. My mum brought Marleigh and I one because it was our playdate. Marleigh and I were so obessed with this fidget that we couldn't stop playing with it. I know some people think it's a waste of money because your just popping the holes but Marleigh and I find it fun. Research shows that fidgets reliefs madness and anixtey. I also enjoy these bright colors on it. You could also spin it! Here is a picture and please feel free to leave a comment on this blog post! GoodBye everyone!

How To Show Resilience In Netball

Kia Orana readers,

Today I will be telling you how to be resilience in Netball. So there this challenge that Miss Cilfford is starting and basically we have to make a slideshow or google drawing about how to show resilience or how to bounce back and there is also this up comming prize of the winner! Hopefully I get chossen fingers crossed. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this slideshow and please feel free to comment because that will really help with my education and my blog! Have a great day everyone. Tofa!

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Holidays!

Ni Hao everyone,
Today I will be telling you what I did in the holidays. The holidays was going for two whole weeks! Our awesome teacher Whea Miki told us to write what we did on the holidays. I did so much awesome things in the holidays. Here is what I did in the holidays. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment byee!

The weekend after school me and Marleigh had a fun and awesome playdate! Since Marleigh and I have been besties for four years we decided to have a playdate together. First our mums got each others numbers and started texting each other about the playdate. Marleigh and I were go excited because we really wanted to see each other! On Saturday morning I woke up at 8:00 AM excited for them to pick me up. They were coming at 12:30 PM. I got all dressed up in a pumba outfit and my lovely mum gave me and Marleigh 30$ to go shopping togther. I got all ready and couldn't wait for Marleigh to come pick me up. A few minutes went by and Marleigh finally arrived. We gave each other a hug and went walked to the car. Marleigh's mum Alanah told me that we were going shopping then eat dinner then go to her house. I was over the moon! Once we drove to the hub we went shopping for some clothes, food, friendship necklaces, ice-cream and candy! Marleigh's sisters Sienna and Maddie came with us shopping. We were still in the mall for a while and decided to go to Mc Donalds. But before we went we brought some chocolate iced milkshakes from Starbucks. Marleigh and I ran to the car wajiting for Alanah, Sienna and Maddie. When they came Alanah said to me and Marleigh that we could go inside and order some food for ourselves. So she gave us the money and we ran inside Mc Donalds. We ordered two chesseburgers and fries. Marleigh and I accidently forgot to order the drink but luckliy Sienna shared her drink with us! We drove to Marleigh's house and hanged out there for a bit. I asked Marleigh to give me a tour around her house and she agreed! So she took me on a house tour and it was a two story house! We both went upstairs and supringly there was a mini lounge! It had a medium sized couch and a medium sized tv. There was also a tent set up on the corner with pillows and stuffed animals inside. In one of the rooms there was a gym! There was a tradmill, Barbell and a pull up bar. She didn't show me the other rooms because Alanah called us downstairs to eat. We ate pizza hut (cheese pizza) After we ate we watched tv with Maddie and Sienna. At 7:20 PM Alanah said that I had to go home because Alanah and my mum agreed that I will come at 7 PM. So Alanah drove to my house with Marleigh and we all said good bye. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Netball Positions

Talofa lava readers,

Today I will be showing you the different types of netball positions. I will be also explaining what you have to do in that position. Netball is my number one favourtie sport. I play netball on Fridays at school when we have our winter sports. My amazing team is called the Tactix. Anyways I made this Google Drawing explaining the netball positions. Hope you enjoyed another one of my hardworking blog posts please feel free to leave a comment because that will really help with my education and my educational blog! Tofa!

My Very Own Menu!!!

 Kia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my made up menu that I did on a Google Drawing. In the future I would also own a resturant (maybe)  Hope you guys enjoy this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment because that will make my day 😃 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Facts About China!

 Ni Hao everyone,

Today I will be telling you some intersting facts about China. China is currently one of my favourite countries! I actrally really enjoy Chinese food (especially noodles) Chinese is part of my culture and I am very grateful. Anyways I made this google drawing about it! Here is a question for you: What is your full culture? Please feel free to leave a comment because that will really help with my education and my educated blog. Hope you enjoyed another one of my hard working blog posts! Good Bye everyone!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Room 9 2021

Aloha guys,

Today I will be showing you a picture of my awesome classroom, room 9. We currently have 24 smart and kind students in our classroom. We are also knows as the Piwakawaka classroom. A Piwakawaka is a fantail bird that has a tail looking like a fan. No wonder it's called a fantail! I will also give you the names of the students in my classroom. We are year 6's. Please feel free to comment on one of my blog posts because that will really help my blog and my education! Bye everyone!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Acrostic Poem For My Cousin

 Ia Orana everyone,

Today I will be showing you my acrostic poem that I made for my baby cousin. His name is Maverick. He goes to Hornby Primary School. He is five years old. On the room 9 site we had a list of 100 things to do on the holidays and it said that I could make a acrostic poem for someone so I did. I will be making more acrostic poems later on in the holidays. Hope you enjoy this acrostic poem that I made for my cousin! Please don't forget to comment because that will really help with my education and my blog. Bye eveyone!

China Flag

Ni Hao readers,

Today I will be showing you the Chinese flag. I did this blog post because I wanted to do some blogging for the holidays. If you didn't know I am quarter Chinese. The Chinese flag is one of my favourite flags. I also wrote one fact about China on the flag. Hope you enjoy this blog post and sorry this is not much. Please don't forget to comment! Byeeee!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Krystallynna Te Ngahere Slideshow!

Malo e lelei everyone,

Today I will be sharing my Te Ngahere slideshow with you guys. In topic we have been learning about Te Ngahere/ Forest. Sometimes in the afternoons we would do differnt types of activtes based on te ngahere. Hope you enjoyed this slideshow and please feel free to comment! Bye

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Krystallynna Holes Book Review!

 Merhaba readers,

Today I will be showing you my holes book review. In the past week out teacher Whea Miki has been reading a book called Holes by Louis Sachar. There was 233 chapters inside the book. I have done this on a Google Drawing. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my education and my blog. Tofa everyone!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Basic Facts At Home!

 Merhaba readers,

Today I will be showing you how much basic facts I did at home and how many I got correct! I wanted to improve my maths so I started to practice some maths at home to improve my learning. Almost everyday I will be doing some basic facts to improve my learning. I have screenshoted my basic facts! I got 100 out of 100! Enjoy and please feel free to comment on my blog posts because that will really help with my blog and education! Goodbye!

Krystallynna Descriptive Writing!

Kia ora everyone, today I will be sharing you my descriptive writing.

One day I decided to go camping by myself. I started wandering in the forest trying to find a safe place to camp. Suddenly my eye sight spotted something very humongous and dirty. I kept walking to see what it was. I went closer and closer to it. Surprisingly it was a treehouse! The treehouse looked very damp and ancient. I could hear crunching leaves, birds chirping and bees buzzing everywhere! I could feel disgusting bugs crawling on my skin. 

I tried to get in the tree because I was thinking of camping inside there. But there was nowhere to go. I also tried to climb the tree but I couldn’t get any grip to climb in. It looked like the tree house was covered in green and hard vines. I was having a hard time getting inside the ancient treehouse. I was just standing there staring at the treehouse, thinking how to get inside. Suddenly my eye sight spotted something! There was a medium sized window on the treehouse. I was thinking if I climbed the big tree next to the treehouse I could finally get inside it, by climbing into the window. I tried to get some good grip on the tree and I managed to climb it. I could smell animal poop while I was climbing the tree.

Finally I got closer to the window and I started breaking it with my foot. While I was kicking the window I could taste bitter and dry air. I was kicking the window at least three times. About 8 seconds later I finally broke the glass window. I hopped inside very carefully. I could see small wet dirt inside the house. When I entered the ancient treehouse I felt the cold breeze on my soft skin. I could see some flattened leaves lying on the ground inside the treehouse. I started to wander around the treehouse, thinking who owned it. There was this torn teddy bear that I still like as a statue. I could see some disgusting mice running around the place. I wasn’t really scared of the mice because I've seen so many mice so I am used to it. In my bag I had packed some food such as cheese, salt and vinegar chips and other more meals. 

I brought out some delicious cheese and placed it outside the tree next to the window that’s now broken. Suddenly the mice spotted some cheese outside the tree. I opened the glass window as fast as I could and they hopped out and ate the cheese. I could see them trying to get in right after. I had already locked the window. I went to clean the dirty equipment inside the treehouse and replace it with some things I had brought. Three hours later I was done cleaning the treehouse. I was thinking if I could live in the treehouse for good since I haven’t been out that much. I made a new plan for my life so I could stay healthy. Every day I could take a walk outside and I should eat healthy. I went outside enjoying my life. I could feel the branches poking myself while I was walking. I also felt the warm breeze on my soft skin. 

Please Feel Free To Leave A Comment

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Krystallynna Matariki Collage!

Aloha guys.

In reading we have been learning about Matariki. We are doing a Matariki poem, Matariki Lanterns and Matariki mind map. Our teacher Whea Miki has told us to make a Google Drawing and do a word collage. I hope you enjoy my Matariki Collage. Please feel free to leave a comment. Bye everyone!